Sunday, October 12, 2008

This is how we live...

Hey everyone! I just wanted to give y'all a little taste of our every day life. These are some pictures of where we live and around Ormskirk. There's also one of how the ducks love even bit my foot! I hope y'all like it!

Me trying to climb a tree in our yard...didn't work out very well.

Me caressing John Lennon. This is at Matthews Street in Liverpool.

Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds...Angie as Lucy. (Matthews Street in Liverpool)

A pretty church in Liverpool.

The street that our house is on, Ruff Lane.

The ducks love me a lot.

Our house!

Our yummy coffee.

1 comment:

tchriam said...

wow, i'm a bit jealous! Glad you are having loads of fun!!